Monday, July 12, 2010

Okay, there are some concepts that people see and immediately want the company to put into production. Italian designer Paolo De Giusti’s Egochine B concept is definitely not one of them. Not that the concept isn’t cool and unique, but give us a break; the car looks like a Mach 3 razor on steroids.

Giusti was going for "Retro-futurism" with this concept meaning he wanted to bring back the old fashioned style with futuristic characteristics. He put in a big engine, elegant sweeping sides, and a fat, curving nose to make it reminiscent of the vehicles of yore. Yeah, okay, whatever. The car is powered by hydrogen cells that push the power to the electric motors which translates into a powerful machine. Of course, it can only carry one person.Apparently this concept is one of the finalists in a Peugeot design contest.

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