Once in a while something happens in fashion that illustrates the fact that the right product at the right time can really be a pot of gold for any brand regardless of how long they have been around.Five year old J Brand produced the cool pants, did the right PR push and provided . The JBrand Houlihan Lois ( proud owner of 2 pairs as we speak) featured a while back has been on a journey to stardom. The NY times devotes a whole page the the slim cargo penomenon. Here’s a tidbit of the seriousness:
“Since the end of January, its manufacturer, J Brand, has sold more than 75,000 pairs of the style and has 40,000 pairs on back order. “In 33 years I’ve never shipped anything like this,” Jeff Rudes, the founder and chief executive of J Brand, said this week, noting that some customers have offered to prepay for the $230 style. Bloomingdale’s has sold thousands, according to Mr. Doroff, who wants more. Barneys New York has 1,000 pairs of Houlihans on reorder, with waiting lists at its stores. The Intermix chain said it has sold 2,000 pairs”
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